Compressed Wood Products
Firelogs & Woodstove Pellets
All Seasons Firewood believes that in order to be progressive and competitive we must carry a broad selection of heating materials. Many of our customers like firewood but want to be using recycled products in order to satisfy their environmental concerns and goals.
Manufactured wood products such as Natural Densified Fuelwood logs (firelogs as consumers refer to) and Woodstove pellets are part of the solid wood fuels movement that began in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. It was suggested that firelogs were created from some employees working in a particleboard plant. They discovered that using clean sawdust pressed without the glues resins and formaldehyde used in particleboard that they could make a useful heating product.
Specialized machinery was created then after trial and error experiments the Compressed Firelog as we know it today was created. Woodstove pellets were created using a biomass pelleting machine and after trial and error along with experiments they were perfected.
Firelogs and pellets are mostly made all without sawdust and binders. The secret is that wood contains a natural substance called “Lignin” which is combined with high heat and pressure becomes pliable and sticky when hot. After being pushed thru some form of an extruder machine which has a plunger and a die out comes as firelog and pellets. It should be noted that the best results come from using a single specie when manufacturing these products. Many other production practices dictate the final product quality. In the end these refined fuels are known for higher heat producing efficiency. They also utilize a waste product being recycled into a useful product designed to efficiently heat your home or business.
Cost Benefit Comparison
Although firewood firelogs and pellets all do the same thing - burn to provide useful heat it is sometimes hard to compare each. The one common denominator is btu’s between each of the products. Firelogs or Woodstove pellets are man made and we have predictable finite knowledge of the btu’s they produce. We have Firewood heat index tables which are burn tests that collect scientific data to suggest the btu’s each variety or specie produces. By comparing the two we can derive a cost comparison btu’s/ dollar between the two. Finally the manufactured wood pellets have benefits outside of cordwood such as:
Ease of use / convenience
Storage and handling
Predictable heat production and efficiency
Cleaner burning - lower particulate emissions
Recycled carbon neutral benefits - these benefits are hard to monetarily measure.
For availability please either email orders@allseasonsfirewood.net or simply call the office 707-544-5359 and visit with our friendly knowledgeable staff.
Sis-Q-Logs Natural Compressed Firelogs
The Siskiyou log is a 4lb log that produces approximately 9000 btu’s per lb of fiber amounting to approximately 36,000 btu’s per firelog. They will burn between 1-2 hours depending on how you burn them in your Woodstove or fireplace.
With natural compressed wood products beauty is in the eye of the beholder in deciding which product is best for the customer.
We occasionally carry other brands such as the HOMEFIRE 5lb Firelog also known as the all nighter log from the customers and also the 8lb North Idaho Energy Log. These logs are based on availability and market conditions.
High Energy Firelogs & Wood Stove Pellets
High Energy Firelogs
Our high-energy firelogs are a pressed wood log that weighs 5 lbs and produces approximately 40,000 BTU’s and can burn as long as 1–2 hrs depending on the burning fixture efficiency of your smoker, woodstove or fireplace.
These densified wood firelogs are versatile to use and burn a bit differently than firewood. The main difference is in the way you start them and the way that they burn. To start these logs, you can do it the easy way and add them to an existing wood fire or break off some wafers and create a pyramid shape and place a piece of fire starter in the center. There are several types of fire starters on the market, choose what will work best for you. Once you get a good starter fire, add additional chunks of high-energy firelogs and wait for the heat! After some experience you may see that these are better than firewood.
Find out what’s currently available by clicking the button below.
Wood Pellets
Our premium pellets are made entirely of wood by-products from sawmills and have no additives. The high density and low moisture content of our Premium Pellets enables it to pack 8400 BTU’s per pound, and creates less than 1/2 of 1% ash.
Starting with only high quality fiber, our pellets are a consistent, high quality wood pellet that customers have been heating their home with for years. We are committed to finding only the best raw materials and continually finding ways to improve our product.
Find out what’s currently available by clicking the button below.